Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Taking The Necessary Steps To Prevent Elder Abuse

By Amanda Campbell

The exploitation of elders has escalated in many states, posing a challenge to the affected and their families. However, it should be the responsibility of everyone to put a stop to this dilemma. Elder abuse is being reported almost daily in various places across the world. Mostly, the abusers turn out to be the employees in the centers, family members or even persons well known to the family of the abused. Ideally, this is unacceptable and involved persons must be answerable. Justice for the aged ought to be upheld at all levels. There are essential measures that you can take to make sure your senior remains safe and are not taken advantage of in any way.

Mistreating the elderly is inappropriate, and the abusers should be dealt with as required by the law. However, we all have a role to play in making sure we prevent the mishandling of the aged. If good practices are implemented from the grassroots, this will eventually be embraced globally.

There are varied types of elderly mishandling. Some seniors have experienced, physical insult where they have been beaten, punched among others. No mistreatment that can be justified and especially when it comes to the aged. These are defenseless individuals who require proper care.

There are many ways that an aged can be abused. It could be mentally or physically. When we mean abusive physical deeds, we refer to scenarios where the abused may be struck or even punched. These can be witnessed through the inflicted bruises. Such situations can be devasting to not only the ill-treated person but also to their family members.

There is also the psychological mistreatment. These are scenarios where the aged person is demeaned, shouted at, or humiliated. It involves the use of inappropriate, abusive words when addressing the senior. For instance, referring an aged person as stupid can significantly affect them mentally.

In a scenario you suspect that your aged family member is suffering any ill-treatment, you must interrogate them and have facts to support your uncertainties. Trusting your beloved senior is vital. Statistics have confirmed that those aged in our community to face massive mistreatment are those in retirement settings.

It is paramount you share these details with the person managing the specific facility. You may have to go an extra mile and have the room where your beloved one is under surveillance. In case the mistreatment continues, you may have to transfer your aged member into another facility.

Remember, if your loved one reports to you of being abused, it is paramount you learn to trust them. Nothing can be so devastating to the aged than an indication of mistrust from persons they look forward to protecting them. Thus, you may have to install investigative cameras in a place that will help you collect details that will help verify the contentions by your loved one. Make sure you take the necessary steps to protect your beloved elderly family member. However, based on the situation, you may be required to relocate them to a different facility as you seek justice to be served.

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