Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Heighten The Grilling Experience With Chicken Seasoning Rub

By Patrick Murphy

The warm weather months inspire many to break out with their grill or smoker as a way to enjoy the sunshine. It may also be a good excuse to invite others to their home for a meal cooked outdoors or some may just enjoy tending to the grill. When the magic happens, it can be a wonderful thing but sometimes a person may need help, or desire a change. Chicken seasoning rub may be just the thing for poultry or seafood cooked over a fire.

Many people like these because they take the work out of making grilled foods taste better. Those who can appreciate meat products but want to make the vegetarian, or vegan, conversion say that meatless products with the right amount of seasoning can pass for the real thing. While the texture may not be the exact same, the flavor profile is a near match.

Although these meatless products are great for cooking on a stovetop or baking, cooking over an open fire requires a different approach. The fire should be low to avoid dry edges and a high heat oil may be needed for a little lubrication. Also, the person doing the cooking should keep an eye out so that the food does not scorch since there is little animal fat to prevent sticking.

Otherwise, these products can be seasoned in the exact same fashion. Many home cooks find that using a quality rub with meatless chicken products is best since these tend to be lower in sodium. The salt content is less expensive seasoning blends can compromise the flavor and make the cooking process a little more of a challenge.

Another great thing about using a dry rub is that once it is applied to the meat or fish, it is ready for action. Although some home grillers like to let the product sit overnight or a few hours, this is not necessary to get a nice flavor profile. Use this over low to medium heat and the natural flavors will come through.

Most shoppers know that chicken parts cost more than a whole bird but they are also more convenient. Just rinse and season before cooking. By preheating an oven at least ten minutes before cooking, small pieces of chicken or fish can be finished in less than half an hour. In the meantime, instant grain sides can be warming up and vegetables can get a nice steam cook going in the microwave or stovetop. Some home cooks may use their downtime to have a beer or glass of wine.

If a person knows their seafood, some of these intended to use with other meats may be good for subtle fish types like cod, flounder, or tilapia. A lot of people like to integrate their salmon with teriyaki flavors but if cooking on the grill, it helps to be conscious of smoke. When a flavorful wood or charcoal blend is used on seafood, it can overpower the other flavors.

For a lot of people changing or cutting back on meat products, keeping the flavor and some of the texture makes this easier. When a person sees the health benefits, they normally go on to make this a normal lifestyle. This is most likely the reasons these are becoming more affordable, the convenience and versatility make this product a staple in many kitchens.

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