Friday, April 27, 2018

Considerations To Make During Timber Harvesting PA

By George Kelly

The use of timber has been on the increase due to booming real estate industry in every place. Also, timber is a raw product for most household items increasing the demand as well. Therefore, lumbering is a suitable economic activity to make a living. Here are factors to consider in timber harvesting PA.

Identify regulations that are established regarding this process. The state is very careful with lumbering processes to a point of establishing strict regulations about this. Therefore, for anyone to involve in this process, one should acquire approval from them and should meet their expectations from them. Make sure you have a good reputation with them to be guaranteed clearance for this activity.

Beware of the process you use to harvest trees. There is a wide range of processes that a lumbering company can use during their activities. However, the use of high-end machines proves to be the best since it is easy, does not require a lot of manpower and safe as well. However, it requires a professional team to handle the respective machines accordingly.

Take note of the animal habitat. There are high chances of destroying the living areas of animals when harvesting trees. Therefore, companies involved in this process should be aware of this and use relevant conservation processes. This includes identifying the mating season of most birds and avoiding this activity during this period. Also, one should not clear the plants which grow around trees since they act as alternative habitat for small animals.

Observe strict safety measures. Workers can end up injured during this activity if they are not careful. Therefore, they should be trained on simple measures they can follow to avoid possible accidents. Apart from that, one should be aware of branches which have fallen from old trees hanging loosely on the other trees and maintain a reliable communication process among the workers.

Use the right conservation process. It is mandatory for a tree harvesting company to plant new trees when they fall them. This should be considered in exotic trees such as pine, oak, maple and other types. These types of trees take a lot of time to grow and they should be replaced immediately they are cut down. Also, you should repair every area cleared to allow the movement of log trucks to avoid possibilities of erosion.

Check on your logging process. Most lumbering companies are expected to have trucks to carry the harvested timber. Make sure that the trucks used in this task are reliable enough and are capable of carrying a large volume of timber at once. This will help in avoiding too much destruction which is caused by frequent movement of the trucks in the forest.

Consider your trading procedure. Every company involved in the lumbering process expects to make a good profit out of their activity. Therefore, you should check for the type of woods which are rare in the market but can sell fast and at a good price as well. Having an early order for your products reduces the possibility of making a loss or taking too long before you sell the respective products.

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