Saturday, January 27, 2018

How To Make Friends In Jamaica

By Andrew Hill

If you are planning to move to a new place either permanently or visit, you would like to make new companions in that place. For instance, you can move to Jamaica which is a hot place and feel lonely due to lack of partners. However, the people are so friendly thus you can easily make new friends in Jamaica and enjoy your stay. The people are also welcoming and open-minded, especially when meeting foreigners. Therefore, here are the tips that can help you to find new mates on this island.

The most charming thing is a sweet smile. If you meet a person and smile at them, they can feel nice, and their hearts will be warmed up due to the gesture of politeness. Hence, the people may start talking to you and know you more. This can be a good start as you may exchange contacts and meet some other time.

Greetings are also the core of everything. Therefore, make sure that you greet the locals in the morning, noon or evening. This way, they will perceive you to be a kind and polite person. This is because greetings are a sign of politeness and respect in their culture, especially to a stranger. Therefore, your innocent greetings can be so sweet to another person who may start a friendship with you.

To add on that, if you show that you are interested greatly in their culture, they can see it as an act of appreciation. Thus, if you ask any person you meet and request them to explain their culture to you, they will do that with an open mind. They will make sure that you have understood their wide and beautiful culture.

Another important thing is to share your drinks especially alcohol. Although the natives may not be hardcore drinkers, people who drink together tend to stick together. Therefore, this is a good way of making new buddy. One can even invite some of the people you meet to come to your place for a drink, and they will gladly accept.

The next option is asking the natives for directions in case you are lost. The natives will tend to ask where you come from and give you the directions to where you want to go. This is because they enjoy meeting new people especially foreigners. Thus they can even invite you to their place some time.

Another option can be asking the locals to give you a taste of their traditional meals. Therefore, they can cook their food for you and share it with you. This is normally a very nice way to from mates because sharing food tends to have a friendly effect on people. Also, tell them about your love for their country, and they will like you immediately.

Last but not least, attending social events can also do the trick. This is because a good number of people will also attend the events hence you may be able to meet locals and even other foreigners and start conversing with them. Any event, concert, or a summit can be helpful.

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