Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Great Airbnb Host Tips That Will Make Guests Glad They Chose Your Home

By Daniel Rogers

So you've decided you want to earn some extra money by hosting guests in your home. The easiest way to get started is by posting the accommodations you are offering on a trusted website. Depending on how well you market yourself, you can begin to get inquiries almost immediately. This is only the first step however. People who are already booking rooms in their homes have some practical Airbnb host tips to ensure your guests will be happy, satisfied, and ready to recommend you to friends and family.

The advertising you place on the website should be an honest representation of the accommodations you are offering. Most people don't expect you live in a mansion. If the rooms you are offering are small, you need to say so, in a flattering way. Cozy is a nice word that conveys the message. If the rooms are on the second floor, and guests will have to climb stairs, you can include a photo of the staircase instead of dwelling on the walk up.

One mark of a great host is thoughtful communication. A good suggestion for those new to the hosting experience is to get in touch with your guests a couple of weeks before they arrive. You can let them know, through email or texting, that you appreciate them choosing your home and are excited to meet them. You can ask about any diet restrictions and food preferences at the same time.

If guests are coming for sightseeing and taking in the local attractions, it's a nice gesture to place brochures that advertise the current museum exhibits, amusement park hours, and farmer's market specials in the room. You could also leave restaurant menus, bus schedules, discount coupons, and travel books on side tables. Guests who have expressed an interest in a particular attraction will appreciate any personal recommendations.

Your guests could have stayed in a hotel, but they chose not to. Don't turn your home into a hotel by removing all the personal items in the guest rooms. You want the atmosphere to be warm and inviting. There are lot of ways to do that. Fresh flower arrangements are always nice, especially if the flowers come from your garden and you arranged them yourself.

Above all you want to be friendly and welcoming. Greeting guests at the front door, or picking them up at the airport or train station, is a good way to start. You can help them take their bags to their rooms and invite them into the living area for conversation, coffee, wine, snacks, or whatever is appropriate.

Above all else, your house has to be clean, and not just clean, but sparkling. There is nothing worse than looking forward to a vacation only to walk into a messy, dusty, dirty rented room. Your guests may turn around and walk right out. They certainly won't give you a recommendation, and they may complain publicly online.

There are homeowners who are making real income renting out rooms to guests. If you need extra money, this could be an option. Being a great host is a requirement though.

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