Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Things You Should Consider Before Hosting A Sleepover

By Paul Jones

Children of certain ages are familiar enough with the concept of sleepovers that they often find themselves wanting to attend one or, perhaps most ambitiously, host one for themselves and their friends. If you, as a doting parent, happen to be agreeable with this idea, then you know exactly what lies ahead if you want this thing to run as smoothly as possible. And since your role will be to chaperone and supervise several kids, then take note of these handy tips below.

Your first order of business should be to plan out everything in advance when your kid requests to host a sleepover in your home. Be smart and consult with your son or daughter about core details like vintage games with tablet punches and dies to what kind of snack food his or her friends like to eat. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to ironing out these particulars.

For first timers, it is recommended that you have a serious discussion with your child about starting small and inviting no more than three guests. Doing such baby steps allows everybody to get used to the idea of sleepovers and see if they are able to pull it off successfully on the first try. Gradually increase the number of invitees once you get the hang of handling things.

To guarantee that they will have lots of leisure time to enjoy before they hit the beds, host sleepovers during weekend days like Friday or Saturday, If the school year is still underway, then this rule must be strictly enforced to prevent conflicts with scholastic obligations. However, this mandate can be easily relaxed during summer vacations when there is no school in session.

Have a meeting with the other parents so that all the adults will be in agreement about the arrangements you have made. Give them your full confidence that the wellbeing of their children will be protected under your careful watch. Do not forget to ask for their landline and mobile phone numbers so that you may contact them immediately during emergencies.

Every sensible parent knows that sugar and late night hours are not a good idea for young kids because the excess energy will deter them from sleeping at the appointed time. Despite the protests that may be voiced by the youngsters under your charge, you have to be very firm in your stance on banning sweets before bedtime. This is a house rule that must not be broken.

You should think of some fun and cool things that children can do before they retire for the night. During the day, they could have the freedom to just laze about in the living room watching animated films or be more active playing games outside. And once night falls, you may assign them some simple kitchen tasks to help with setting up your delicious dinner meal.

You just never know when contingencies of any kind will arise, so always be prepared for such eventualities when they happen. For instance, when a child unexpectedly throws a tantrum and demands to go home despite your best efforts to calm them down, do not hesitate to call the parents to pick up their child immediately. You must take action whenever problems appear.

Allowing your son or daughter to be part of a fun social activity like a sleepover is something they shall truly appreciate. Follow the guidelines mentioned in this post so that the event will become a resounding success. Above all, enjoy the process and always keep a watchful eye.

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